Risteily M/S Kristina Reginalla:
Helsinki - Visby - Kööpenhamina - Lerwick - Torshavn - Seydisfjördur - Akureyri - Isafjördur- Reykjavik.
30.6.2007 Seydisfjördur, Islanti

Satamassa suuntaan heti kohti isoa vesiputousta joka on korkealla vuorenrinteellä.

Lähden seuraamaan jokea reppu selässä ja nautin maisemista. Etsin sopivaa paikkaa picnicille ja kuljen kilometrien päähän kylästä. Olen täysin yksin keskellä
Taustalla vuoristopuro putoaa vuorilta ja hengästyn lisää maisemista. Istun ja nautin auringosta, yllä on pilvetön kirkkaan sininen taivas. Tuntuu että taivas olisi jopa sinisempi kuin suomessa. Kaikki on täysin autiota, on vain minä ja koko tämä vuoristoinen
Illalla aurinkoinen olo saattaa minua pitkin islannin itäpuolista merta kohti pohjoista. Valaat saattavat

sukeltavat syvään merivirtojen alle.
Aurinko sävyttää taas punaistaan, mutta napapiirin pohjoispuolella se ei enää laske. Katselen kun aurinko leijuu pinnan yläpuolella ja juttelen perämiehen kanssa komentosillalla. Puolen tunnin päästä sankka sumu laskeutuu ja näkyvyys putoaa alle sataan metriin. Hiivin alas hyttiini jotta jaksan herätä aikaisin.
Huomenna on syntymäpäiväni.
English translation...
I wake up enthuasiastic in the morning, today we will finally arrive to Iceland! After the breakfast I go straight to the deck to see the view, Iceland coastline is seen far away as dark and snow-capped mountains, I feel excited. The sun is shining although we are traveling towards north in cold waters. The rest of the people are dressed warm but I am sunbathing and wearing just a t-shirt. They keep looking me like insane, but I'm on a journey to my dreams and I trust my instincts that have guided me through my whole life. I'd rather challenge the risks and choose my own way, dare the standards of rationality and trust the intuition only. I would rather die standing than live on my knees. And throughout the whole journey I've stood higher than never before.
I watch as our guest lecturer, doctor of geology, in his fifties is jumping and yelling for joy as the boat approaches that colossal island. Even though I'm not jumping, my feelings are effervescing more than ever during this journey. I try to be cool, even though I would want to start jumping with him. We dive inside to the fjord and enourmous cliffs and rocks are surrounding the ship. Snow-capped mountains are enclosing us and we are heading towards the unknown.
We bypass waterfalls with several cascades that are flooding through almost vertical hills. As well as single houses that give massive dimensions to the mountains. Clouds are touching the mountain tops, that are covered with white ice. We arrive to Seydisfjördur harbour and I'm full of joy, happiness and all the positive feelings.
In the harbour I'm heading right away towards the big waterfall that is on a high mountainside. I follow a small stream to the mountain on the soft soil, an aeroplane is flying over the valley and leaves a white trail on a bright blue sky, which is connecting the mountains on both side. The hillside is very steep and the terrain is soft, blue lupines are seen to boundless distance. High over the edge of the cliff there are two ravens soaring around. I watch the view mesmerized, a 100 feet high water fall and silently gliding birds, at first looking like eagles.
Seydisfjördur is a small village, here is only a bank, a shop, a gas station and some wooden houses, that are often painted bright red or blue. In the middle of the village there is a small lake, and somewhat big river that runs from faraway mountains to the sea. I walk to Shell and chat with bright-eyed blonde girl. She talks english with strong icelandic accent and is clearly attracted by visitors, that so infrequently comes to their village.
I follow the river with backbag on my shoulder and enjoy the scenery. I'm seeking for a good place for a picnic and wander miles away from the village. I'm completely alone in the middle of pure and wild nature, white-capped mountains circulating me and my heart is racing. I'm strolling alongside the fields and suddenly terns are attacking me because they are protecting their nests lying in the ground. I'm trying to drive them away at the same time as I'm running. At last the birds give up chasing me and I arrive gasping to the river bend with small rapids and a pleasant river bank. I sit down and open up a bottle of red wine and take out the sandwiches and fruits from my bag.
Behind me the stream is falling down from the mountains and I become more breathless of the scenery. I sit and enjoy the sun with clear bright blue sky. It feels like the sky is even brighter blue than in Finland. Everything in here is deserted, it's just me and this world of mountains. I enjoy life, drink water from a stream that is coming from the glacier and feel like my heart is going to burst. Finally when I've enjoyed enough I start to walk back towards the village that is looming the miles away. The sun is scorching and the weather is sultry. There are even flies in here!!! My t-shirt accessory couldn't be the better and I'm laughing off to all skeptics that are now sweating in their shell suits.
Back in the village I sit on a hotel terrace, purchase a pint worth of ten euros and chat with a lady from Austria. She says I'm lucky, because two days ago it was raining like hell. I know that I'm lucky, because luck is only in my own hands, especially now. I believe that you can get it all if you really want it. I'm on my way to the stars.
At night the sunny feeling is escorting me towards the north in eastern icelandic sea. Whales are following our ship, far away in horizon the tails are raising when the giants of the oceans are diving deep under the sea streams.
The sun is again dyeing the world to red, but after the polar circle the sun won't go down anymore. I stare as the sun is hovering above the surface and chat with the first mate on the bridge. After half an hour the fog descends and visibility drops below three hundred feet. I sneak into my cabin to be able to wake up early.
Tomorrow is my birthday.