Risteily M/S Kristina Reginalla:
Helsinki - Visby - Kööpenhamina - Lerwick - Torshavn - Seydisfjördur - Akureyri - Isafjördur- Reykjavik
1.7.2007 Akureyri, Islanti

Mutta kuin muinainen uskonmies täällä aiemmin, heitän kaikki jumalkuvat ja pahat ajatukset putoukseen ja tyhjennän mieleni. En usko mihinkään. Uskon vain itseeni, enkä aina siihenkään...

Kuumat lähteet ja höyryä puhaltavat aukot ovat minulle tuttuja jo Azoreilta, mutta haistelen hetken rikin tuoksua ennenkuin istun takaisin

Laivalla minua odottaa kuohuviini jääsangossa ja kirjeessä onnittelut kapteenilta. Vuodet vierivät liian nopeasti ja se saa hetkeksi pääni painuksiin. Vieläkö ehdin saada oman aurinkoni, vai kiertäisikö onni minut sittenkin. Käyn suihkussa ja vaihdan vaatteet, Che on tulossa jälleen.
Mutta silti kaipaan jotain.
English translation
Akureyri is coated with fog but we are traveling to the inner parts of the island by bus and there the sun is again favoring us. We are ascending over the mountains and I stare the petrified crags, the trolls that are race of giants and roam at night. And sometimes when they can't hide early enough and the twilight sunrays hit them, they will petrify to stone. We are heading through verdant valleys, fishy rivers and surrounding mountains. It's so green everywhere, except on the lava fields where the black stiffen lava hasn't yet got the two thousand years of time to be able to grow the green coating.
Godafoss waterfall makes my mind burst like sparkling wine. Bright blue water is running through my mind and I feel somehow wistful. Yesterday the solitude gave me strength but today it haunts me. I gaze at flowing water and travel again deep inside my mind, which is full of depression. I am again strayed from my harbor and I am so lonely.
But like an ancient cleric here long time ago, I throw all the idols of gods and bad thoughts to the running river and empty my mind. I don't believe in anything. I believe in me, and sometimes not in even that.
On the Myvatn lake the scenery is beautiful, but thick mosquito clouds are ruining the mood. Luckily they are less harmless than their Finnish big brothers (or sisters), these are just satisfied to only twirl around like flies. We are traveling through lava fields to Dimmu Borgir, where lava has formed a labyrinth in a big area.
Hot springs and steam blowing holes are familiar to me from Azores but I still sniff sulphur for a short time before I walk back to tourist bus full of people.
At the ship there is sparkling wine waiting in the ice bucket followed with congratulation letter from the Captain. Years are running too fast and it gets my head fall down, is there still time for me to receive my own sun, or would the fortune and happiness still go by. I take a shower and change my clothes, Che is coming again. In the bar I will be paid attention and the congratulation song is accompanied by piano. People are dragging me from the loneliness to their company and I don't have to be alone any more. Girls have even made a card for me and it warms my heart. I enjoy the night and people likes me. Porpoises (or dolphins) are giving me a great show behind the windows and I spend my night with delight.
But still I miss something..
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